May we suggest

Tips for job posters

Your job posting is a reflection of your whole organization, not on the the position you want to fill. Here are some suggestions to get the most from our service and some best practices, as we see them, for hiring.

Benefits & compensation.

Unlike many job sites, we leave these sections open ended and do not allow job seekers to filter by these metrics. That is not because they are unimportant or not a significant part of seekers decision making, but because these things are commensurate with experience, location and rarely lend themselves to an apples-to-apples comparison.

Provide the information that is right for your organization, whether that is a non-negotiable hourly rate, a range based on experience, or options that are up for consideration.


You probably should not feel compelled to respond to every application that you receive. This is especially true if the applicant obviously does not meet any explicitely listed requirements or licenses.

We recommend that you inform every individual who you interview whether or not they were selected for the position.

Email safety.

We purposely allow for your account email address to differ from the email address that job seekers will send their applications to. This provides your team with flexibility, but also allows for the use of email aliases. We strongly recommend that you use an alias email address in your job post so that, should a nefarious individual or program get ahold of your publically posted address, you can discard with minimal interruption.

Make sure you follow the law.

In addition to hiring best practices, you want to ensure that you are following applicable federal and state law. and Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing are good resources if your have wage or hiring questions.

If email aliases are uncharted waters for your office, talk to your IT friends to learn how you can use them to better protect yourself online.

When you make a hire.

Congratulations! Now log back in and end your job posting. Your posting will automatically expire after 7 days, but allowing it to continue will keep filling your inbox with applications.